What is Your Plan to Vote?

If you have not completed and returned your ballot yet you still have many options to cast your vote. From the time you request a mail-in ballot to the time your completed ballot is returned you can keep track of it here.
You can drop your correctly completed ballot at a county approved dropbox or satellite voting location. For a list of those authorized sites in each Pennsylvania county please visit this link.
On election day you can also bring your ballot to your polling place where it will be voided and you will be permitted to vote at the location. You will need to bring the entire mail-in ballot, including the two envelopes, with you to prove it was not mailed in to be eligible to vote.
If you are voting in person in Pennsylvania click on this link to find your polling place.
If you did not receive the mail-in ballot you requested or you tracked your ballot and it is listed as canceled online you can still go to the polls on election day.
If you requested to vote by mail your name will not be on the voting rolls at your polling location, there is no need to worry, that is normal. You will need to ask to vote by provisional ballot. Remember, if you have not received your requested mail-in ballot it is still your right to cast your vote on election day.
If you need to vote by provisional ballot, you will be asked to follow these instructions:
1. Complete and sign the provisional ballot affidavit on the back of the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
2. Mark your provisional ballot in an accessible and private area of the polling place.
3. Seal your provisional ballot in the secrecy envelope.
4. Seal the secrecy envelope in the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
5. Sign the front of the provisional ballot affidavit envelope.
6. Return the sealed provisional ballot affidavit envelope to a polling place election official.
7. Receive your provisional ballot identification receipt.
All information on how to cast your vote in this important election in Pennsylvania can be found here: https://www.votespa.com/