PA AFL-CIO Stands with Ironworkers at Erie Strayer

For more than two months, members of Ironworkers Local 851 have been on strike at Erie Strayer. The company refuses to budge to provide the basics for their workers. The entire union movement across the Commonwealth stands in support of the workers who are fighting for living wages, a dental plan and a fair attendance policy that treats workers with dignity.
In solidarity with our union family, we encourage you to show your solidarity on the line next week.
The Erie community wants a resolution to the strike at Erie Strayer. No worker should have to worry about being able to put food on the table or presents under the tree this holiday season. The Ironworkers are hosting a candlelight vigil for all workers and families to participate in as we march for an end to this strike and peace to return to our community. Join in solidarity, on December 14th at 4 PM EST, at the corner of N. Wayside Dr. and Asbury Rd, as we march and host a vigil to demand a speedy resolution to this ongoing strike and the return of our workers back to their jobs for the sake of their families and friends.THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 AT 4PM- CAR RALLY FOR ERIE STRAYER IRONWORKERS
The Erie Strayer Strikers invite you to join a car caravan to call attention to our demands for a fair contract. Join on December 16th at 4 PM EST at 924 West Erie Plaza Dr. where we’ll join in a long, loud caravan of decorated and decked-out cars to show how many people are standing with the Erie Strayer Ironworkers. Families, neighbors, community leaders, elected officials, and supporters are invited to join us at 924 West Erie Plaza Dr. where we’ll help add (temporary!) signs and posters to your car to show how IRON STRONG we are as an Erie community. We’ll meet at 4 PM to fit cars with signs, flags, and other pieces of our ironworker pride, and then from 4:30 to 5:30 PM EST we’ll drive, honk, and shout for justice in Erie!