Holiday Community Services Projects Across PA

This holiday season, union members and labor councils across the Commonwealth have come together to give back to their communities. So far, thirteen CLCs have held an event or project for their local community, and three more events to come this season. The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO is so proud of all the hard work of our union family.
If your CLC or local union held a holiday community service project, please contact our Community Services Director Dave Madsen, [email protected].
On December 2nd, the Allegheny-Fayette Central Labor Council held their Annual Stuff the Bus Labor of Love event, donating scores of toys to brighten the season for children in need. Some of the donated toys were sent to the families of striking UMWA coal miners at Warrior Met in Alabama.
The Beaver-Lawrence CLC held a Toys for Totz drive for the Beaver Falls School District. The Blair-Bedford CLC donated to the family of a local AFSCME member who was shot and killed on the job.
The Bucks CLC also held a toy donation drive for local children. The Clearfield CLC donated gift cards for struggling families across the school district. The Harrisburg Regional CLC participated in a local gift giveaway.
The Johnstown-Somerset Central Labor Council donated and distributed 500 coats, scarves, gloves and warm weather gear at a local Women's Help Center. When turnout was low at the shelter, volunteers went directly into low-income communities where children needed coats.
The Lancaster CLC donated gift cards to a local non-profit for individuals with mental and physical disabilitiesm, a project the CLC has done annually for several years. The Lehigh Valley CLC held a toy drive. And, the Montgomery CLC donated turkeys to families in need.
The Northwest PA Area Labor Federation threw a Christmas party and distributed toys and gift cards to the families and children of Ironworkers Local 851 on strike at Erie Strayer.
The Reading-Berks Central Labor Council donated 1,000 dollars to Veterans Making a Difference, a local non-profit that helps assist homeless veterans.
The Scranton Central Labor Union and IATSE 329 Scranton participated in the annual Stuff the Bus, Toys for Tots Campaign. The County of Lackawanna Transit System Local 168 held its annual "Stuff the Bus" toy drive Thursday, December 9, 2021, at the Lackawanna Transit Center, 30 Lackawanna Ave., to benefit the Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation.
The Greater Westmoreland CLC donated $500 to striking workers, packed senior boxes for the local food bank, and adopted a family for the Angel Tree Court House project.
The Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor Council delegates met on Tuesday, December 7 at the Teamsters Union Local 401 office in Wilkes-Barre and stuffed 650 Christmas stockings with candy for under-privileged children of the Wyoming Valley. Approximately 30 volunteers that included union members and their families of the 59 affiliated unions participated. CLC President Joe Padavan stated more funds were collected to conduct this year's event than any previous year. The Greater Wilkes-Barre CLC has conducted the community project for more than four decades.
The York-Adams Central Labor Council held their annual Back Pack Full of Blessings drive and donated backpacks filled with toiletries to homeless vets.

Bucks Central Labor Council Toy Drive and Lehigh Valley CLC Toy Drive.

Allegheny-Fayette CLC's Stuff the Bus Labor of Love Toy Drive.

Clockwise from Top Left: Allegheny-Fayette donation to the UMWA Warrior Met strikers; ---, the Greater Wilkes-Barre CLC's Walter Klepaski Jr. Holiday Project; the Johnstown-Somerset CLC coat drive and distribution; The Reading-Berks CLC donates to Veterans Making A Difference; and, the Greater Scranton CLU's Stuff the Bus Toys for Totz drive.