The following article was published in our local newspaper the Altoona Mirror, editor was President Bob Kutz
All Politics is local: The measuring stick I use to judge a President is Does he Keep His Promises? President Trump promised in 2016 to bring back the manufacturing jobs we lost to China here in Pennsylvania. That has notr happened, as a matter of fact we have lost over 1000 good family wage substaining manufacturing jobs here in Blair County, since our President took office. Joe Biden WILL bring jobs back for us here at home, that is why we in the AFL-CIO have promised our support for the Biden/Harris ticket. and we are asking you consider for Congress Todd Rowley as our current congressman supports the Trump administration and look what that has done for our local workers. I would ask you consider voting as if your job depends on whom wins, as it truly does!
This letter to the editor is written with much thought towards the excellent employees of the city of Altoona. Our Police, Fire, and Public works employees whom give their all every working day of the year.