Union-Made Holiday Gift Ideas
Union-Made In America Holiday Gift Ideas

It's not too late yet to find that perfect holiday gift that carries a union label and is made in America. Below is a wide range of gift possibilities, from clothes to games to sports equipment and more, made by members of UNITE HERE, Boilermakers (IBB), Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM), Machinists (IAM), United Steelworkers (USW), Teamsters (IBT), UAW, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union/UFCW (RWDSU/UFCW) and United Farm Workers (UFW).
This list is compiled from Union Plus, the AFL-CIO Union Label and Service Trades Department (UL&STD) and the BCTGM website. Check them out for even more gift ideas.
Apparel and Accessories
- Brooks Brothers (UNITE HERE)
- Joseph Abboud (UNITE HERE)
- Majestic Athletic (UNITE HERE)
- Timex watches (IAM)
- Naturalizer shoes (UFCW)
- Nunn Bush shoes (UFCW)
- Red Wing shoes (UFCW)
Beauty Products
- Avon (UFCW)
- Caress skin care (UFCW)
- ChapStick (USW)
- Dove beauty products (UFCW)
- Revlon (UAW)
- Old Spice (UFCW)
(All made by RWDSU/UFCW)
- Barrel of Monkeys
- Battleship
- Candy Land
- Chutes and Ladders
- Clue
- Connect 4
- The Game of Life
- Hi Ho! Cherry-O
- Monopoly
- Mouse Trap
- Operation
- Pictionary
- Risk
- Scrabble
- Sorry
- Taboo
- Twister
- Yahtzee
Sports Equipment
- American Athletic (Russell Brands) (UAW)
- Louisville Slugger (USW)
- MacGregor golf clubs (IBB)
- Standard Golf (IAM)
- Top-Flite golf balls (IBB)
Stocking Stuffers
- Rayovac batteries (IBT and UAW)
- Bic lighters (USW)
- Ghirardelli chocolates (BCTGM)
- Jelly Belly (BCTGM)
- Laffy Taffy (BCTGM)
- Tootsie Roll Pops (BCTGM)
- Allan peppermint candy canes (BCTGM)
- Hershey's chocolates (BCTGM)
- See's Candies (BCTGM)
Wine and Beer
(Wines brought to you by UFW)
- Chateau Ste. Michelle (IBT)
- Columbia Crest
- St. Supéry
- Charles Krug
- C.K. Mondavi
- Gallo of Sonoma
Miller Beer (UAW and IBT)
- Miller High Life
- Miller Genuine Draft
- Miller Lite
- Milwaukee’s Best
- Icehouse
- Red Dog
Anheuser-Busch (IBT and IAM)
- Budweiser
- Budweiser American Ale
- Bud Light
- Michelob
- Shock Top
- Busch
- Rolling Rock
- O’Doul’s
If You're in the ‘Big Spender’ Category (UAW)
- Jeep
- Ford Mustangs
- Cadillacs